
Did You Notice It?

August 9, 2008

Check out the search engine terms that brought some readers to my blog:

I was like “What? Upside-down flag during the opening ceremony??”

So I googled it up… And true enough…

Little Lin Hao, a young hero and survivor from the Sichuan earthquake, who was given the honour of walking beside basketball star cum China’s flag bearer for the parade of nations, Yao Ming, was carrying his flag UPSIDE-DOWN!

To those of you who are unaware of the meaning of an upside-down flag, it is basically the official sign of distress for a country — far from the desecration of a flag!

From the looks of it, it’s probably a manufacturing defect like a lot of China’s goods. This time, maybe they should’ve checked it twice before showing it to the world.

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